Friday 23 November 2007

The moon

I've just taken these shots of the moon,not sure how they'll turn out but here goes
Ps,Not sure how those bikes got there!

PPs,Just ignore this posting, folks,they're not wonderful, I know!


FO - 2 said...

A full moon! :)
I can feel it.... ;)

Wishing you a nice full moon weekend! :)

Lilli & Nevada said...

great shot of the moon

Kerri Farley said...

Angie, moon and night shots are some of the hardest....I never get good ones. I think these are fine!When you click on the photos they enlarge nicely and you can see the clouds around the moon too.

SandyCarlson said...

They are lovely. You have accomplished something I simplky cannot--moon photos--and I'm glad to enjoy your work. God bless.

DigitalShutterMania said...

Great shots : )

Lilli & Nevada said...

Here is a start i hope this helps,
go to dashboard, then when that opens go to layout and then go to add a page element, click on edit and write in other bloggers or what ever you want to let other know
You can add other things in there as well.. I hope this helps, i am just learning as well. so sometimes i have to ask too.

Paulie said...

Nice try --it is hard to get great moon shots when it is pitch dark. I like to get them just as the sun is setting. Since it was a full moon this past week, I blogged about it a few days ago and even made a quilt from my photos. Then all he** broke loose and blogger wouldn't load any photo of mine. I am so grateful I was able to upload tonight for Friday. Come see my sky photos and scan down and see the quilt too!