I took these photos a couple of years ago from our back garden.In the second photo, you can just see Moel Fammau in the range of hills called the Clywds or the Clydian Range.Moel Fammau is Welsh and means Mother of Mountains.
Hello Angie Thank you for these.. on certain days from the top of our local hill here in Hyde we to can see the Welsh hills. It is always a thrill to a glimpse.
Wonderful pictures, but snow?? We had a lot of snow during the winter..my snow shovel is all worn out:-) - Cheers and thank you for your kind comments.
You have interesting photos. But I can't open the two first ones, also the lake Coniston, which picture is really great. But it's me, I have always technical problems :)...oh, and the word verifacation too, lets see if I'll manage the first time...
Hello Angie
Thank you for these.. on certain days from the top of our local hill here in Hyde we to can see the Welsh hills. It is always a thrill to a glimpse.
beautiful images, beautiful colors.
Boy, the snow and the sunsets and the colors really makes this a neat post today.
Pretty pink clouds in the top ones! Pink sky in the afternoon means good weather the next day in Australia :)
There may be snow around but I also see a magnificent sun on a nice sky!
Great photos.
Great shot even there is snow..I live in Norway and don't like snow that much (but please don't tell anyone:P)
What a great collection of sky shots you have here. The last couple are so dramatic. have a wonderful weekend...
Angie: I love the next to last sun photo.
great catch! mine's up too, glad you could visit. Have a great weekend!
Nice series. :)
Beautiful, beautiful images. I will be back!
Very nice shots. Love it:)
I very much like the second photo.
This is a truly beautiful post ... your photos are amazing, and I simply am fascinated with the Welsh language! Bravo!!
I like sunset photos!
Beautiful shot!
The poetry in the names!
These are wonderful.
Nice photos, love the sunsets especially.
Nice series, beautiful color photos and incredible.
Lovely photos,love the last one.
Gorgeous, all. The move from soft white snow to a stunning sky is wonderful!
Gorgeous serial of images. All so different. Very good.
Just stunning
Hi, You have great skies here, love them all.
Wonderful pictures, but snow??
We had a lot of snow during the winter..my snow shovel is all worn out:-)
- Cheers and thank you for your kind comments.
Great sky photos :)
Thanks for sharing these...I miss so much the winter time as you have it...love the last one ..what a light!
You have interesting photos. But I can't open the two first ones, also the lake Coniston, which picture is really great. But it's me, I have always technical problems :)...oh, and the word verifacation too, lets see if I'll manage the first time...
I thought you meant you had snow now. They are gorgeous pictures.
Wonderful post!
What a wonderful view you have from your yard! These are all pretty. I think I like the second and last best. Take care.
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