I was reading in the garden the other evening when I noticed the sun starting to go down just beyond our fence.To get a better view, I stood on one of the garden chairs.I just hope none of our neighbours saw me!
This is a nice set of photos showing a peek at the setting sun and the moon shot is nice too.
I would have a damaged chair if I was to stand on one... thanks for joining in again with Sky Watch.. I'm sure this summer we are in for sone great night skies.
nice one for SWF! When you realize how perfect everything you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.... Have a great weekend! mine's up too hope you can drop by.
This is a nice set of photos showing a peek at the setting sun and the moon shot is nice too.
Sunsetting and the moon all in one post great shots.
my double reflection is now up please feel free to visit-thanks.
great images, great sky watch.
Reading in the yard and having these photos?
Great day tht was.
Ha! It would have been great to include a photo of you on that chair taking these great shots :0)
Enjoy your weekend...
very beautiful photos with the sky
Beautiful photography. Congratulations
Very nice photos!
I would have a damaged chair if I was to stand on one... thanks for joining in again with Sky Watch.. I'm sure this summer we are in for sone great night skies.
nice one for SWF! When you realize how perfect everything you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.... Have a great weekend! mine's up too hope you can drop by.
If you are like me, the neighbors already know your are weird. they just shake their head when I run by chasing a butterfly with my camera.
Nice sunset photos,
Thanks for the visit,
Very nice photos!
I'm glad you didn't fall off. I probably would have. Nice shots!
Nice shots of the setting sun and the moon.
Wonderful view from the back garden! The sun seems reluctant to leave you!
Very nice set of photos!!
Nice setting sun.
Nice garden you have, and the sun vill go to sleep at your home too... i see...
Love from Norway
A photographer should never worry about the neighbours reaction to the way they crawl, jump or climb to get a picture.
You caught a nice atmosphere for your pains!
I like your pictures, very nice. Maybe the neighbours took a picture of you and posted it on their blog!!!!!!!!!
Nice. Every sunset is special and beautiful:)
Petunia's SWF
That's a great capture.Perfect timing.
Very nice shots!
Have a lovely weekend:)
That flash of red as the sun was setting is lovely. You chose an opportune time to be in your garden!
I be the neighbors wondered what you were doing! LOL
Beautiful sunset and I scrolled down and the New Zealand Coast shots are gorgeous!
You take wonderful photos :)
Great set of shots of the sun going down
Well if they saw you. I'm sure they were just thinking that you were taking pictures for that famous site "Skywatch Friday". :)
Nice set of pics.
Wonderful Skywatch:)
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